All textured printing projects require an initial Phone Consultation, and we evaluate each project on a case by case basis. Please continue below, or read our Introduction to Textured Printing.
By utilizing specialized topographical scanning and proprietary image processing, we’re one of the very few print studios offering textured fine art printing services.
Textures can be captured from original artwork by scanning or – with proper planning – can be created digitally without the actual topographical scan. Texture is printed in layers – not unlike 3D printing – using our SwissQPrint Nyala Printer.

Below: Two files are combined in this example to make a textured print. For this particular project, the textured layer goes over the color layer, while other projects may require the texture to be printed first, followed by a full coverage white layer, and then the final color layer. The two images here show the relationship and placement of the texture, along with the color layer. Image Courtesy of Chase Contemporary.

Example Below | An example of the difference between a flat print, and a textured print. The image on the right is a flatbed scan of a textured print, after completion. Artwork: Erin Hanson